Tuesday, June 06, 2006


(Wara l-kumment ta' Neebother fuq il-blogg J'Accuse)


"Malta has always been, and will always be,
essentially European."
Malta This Month, Mejju 2004

Malta hija essenzjalment Ewropea
u l-Maltin huma essenzjalment Ewropej.
Il-Mediterran huwa banju bl-ilma
u nahseb naf essenzjalment minn fejn gej.
Il-kliem li nitkellem huwa essenzjalment Malti
u tista' tghid illi dejjem johrogli minn halqi,
u avolja mhux kollu essenzjalment Ewropew,
meta nkun barra minn Malta
kulhadd jghidli xi hlew
ghax forsi mhux dejjem jinstema'
appuntu Ewropew.

Qed nahseb li forsi miniex Malti tassew.
U int ukoll, nahseb ahjar ticcekkja sew.

Adrian Grima, mill-ktieb Rakkmu, 2006

Lamppost Campaign

It's all about tolerance. Postform will be transforming into lamp-post-form for the duration of the pro-active campaign advocating more tolerance in the Maltese islands. This campaign is intended as a positive reaction to the negative wave of intolerance that is currently being witnessed in the Maltese islands. We believe that the source of intolerance is misunderstanding and misinformation and that the best way to combat intolerance is to inform and communicate positively.

We believe that the darkness is at the source of all the negativity and it is the light of information and positive thinking that can break through the barriers of misinformation. It is for this reason that we have adopted the lamppost as our symbol. Every individual is a potential lamppost whose light fills in another corner of darkness.

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